Set yourself up for success right from the start!

Finally! Someone developed a business plan template specifically for knitters and crotcheters.

This 7 page template will help you plan your business correctly right from the word go, and give you a clear pathway to follow. The average person just jumps straight in without any planning at all and we all know the saying “fail to plan, plan to fail”…

By actually spending some time to plan out your business you’re GUARANTEED to get better results and start making money sooner. You will know what tasks you need to focus on and what to avoid. This is a complete business plan template specifically set up for knitters. To use it is as simple as just filling in the blanks with your ideas and goals. This template guides you along with easy to answer questions that get you thinking about your knitting business.

The Knitting Business Plan Template normally sells for $24.95 – but you can purchase the template here on the blog for just $9.95. You can order securely though Paypal by clicking on the “Buy Now” button below.

Or you can upgrade to the whole “Knitting For Profit” eBook Package! You will get the Knitting For Profit eBook, 2 Months of Free Email Coaching Support, the Knitting Pricing calculator, a Colour Selection Tool, a Knitters Resources And Links guide and free upgrades of the eBook – all for only $37. For more information about the package, click here.

To order the complete “Knitting For Profit” eBook Package securely though Paypal, click on the “Buy Now” button below: