Fabrics for Knitting

Using Fabrics for Knitting Instead Of Yarn!

Fabrics for KnittingThe use of fabrics for knitting is becoming a popular new hobby as crafters realize just how quick and fun it is. Instead of using yarn and standard knitting needles, many crafters are beginning to use strips of fabric instead, for a more unique and interesting look. If you love knitting but want to try out something a little different, this may be the craft for you. You may soon find yourself addicted to these little fabric strips and the projects that can come from them!

Why Knitters are Turning to Fabric

Many knitters have begun to use fabrics for knitting instead of yarn, at least occasionally. It’s a new style that has taken the fiber arts community by a storm. If you’re looking for a way to break up the monotony of knitting without actually giving up on the craft, knitting with fabric is a great way to do just that.

Using fabric strips for knitting is a fun way to produce large projects quickly. The finished product is plush, unique, and quick to knit. It’s a great technique to use for things like rugs, bath mats, children’s nap mats, and dog beds. Fabric can also be used for crochet if you prefer. In fact, it can make a pretty interesting design in a rug or trivet if you use a lace pattern using fabric strips and a large crochet hook. The only downfall to crochet rugs is that they aren’t very forgiving on bare feet, so think twice about using this technique to crochet a bathmat or a rug that will regularly be walked on barefoot.

If you like the idea of handmade holidays, the art of using fabric for knitting is a great way to finish up large projects for gifts without spending a lot of time or money. The gift recipient will receive something that appears to have taken ages and a lot of skill, but really it only took a little creativity and a fun new medium! Next time you want to finish a large project like a new rug for your house, try using fabric for knitting instead of yarn.

How to Use Fabric for Knitting

So, now that you know why fabric for knitting is such an interesting concept, it’s time to learn how it’s done. First, you need to choose the fabric you want to use for your project. Knitting with fabric is usually done with solid cotton fabrics, but you can use any fabric you like. If you use a patterned fabric, you won’t be able to see the pattern, but it will create an interesting variegated effect in the finished project.

Once you’ve chosen your yarn of choice, you want to lay it out on the floor or a large work surface and cut the fabric in one-inch strips. This can be done either by cutting or tearing the fabric straight across and then tying each strip together, or by using scissors and cutting a curve when you get to the edge of your fabric so that you are cutting one continuous strand of fabric. Once you’ve done with this part, simply roll your fabric into a rag ball just like you would with a skein of yarn.

knitting fabrics


To knit with this fabric, you’ll need knitting needles that are at least a size 17, if not larger. This process is similar to mega-knitting, where you knit a project on giant needles with thick yarn. The only difference is that you are going to use fabric instead of yarn.

Once you’ve gathered your rag ball and needles, the rest of the process is pretty typical. You simply cast on and knit the way you normally would. If you’re not following a knitting pattern for fabric knitting, then you may want to keep a measuring tape handy so you can figure out what size you need and how many stitches and rows you’ll need for the project. You’ll need fewer stitches and fewer rows to make a project using fabric for knitting than you would with any type of yarn!

Using fabric for knitting is a great way to have fun with knitting again when it gets too monotonous! It creates an interesting effect and you’re able to finish large projects quickly and easily. A rug or nap mat that would take another knitter days to finish can be done in one sitting by simply cutting strips of fabric for knitting instead!

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